LEGION Simulator Help

Analysis options for Underground Maps

There are certain options you can set when using Underground-specialised maps. You can instruct the software to add specialised Underground map tracks to the Analysis Timeline; you can set absolute or relative 15 and 60-minute intervals; you can set default map sizes and also set default image formats for Snapshot events.

To set Analysis options:

  1. Select Tools > Options > Analysis Options.
  2. Check the box labelled 'Add underground-specialised timeline tracks to new Analysis projects'. This ensures that all projects have relevant Underground Map tracks on the Analysis Timeline.
  3. For the option 'Timing for 15-minute interval events', select one of the two options:
    • Absolute – this will set the intervals at 15, 30, 45 minutes past the hour.
    • Relative to model start time – this will set intervals at periods relative to the runtime of the model (so, for example, if a model begins at 13:05, the first 15-minute interval will expire at 13:20).
  4. Select a 'Default image size for map saves': it is probably best to keep the default values of 1024 x 480 but you can enter your preferred dimensions in pixels.

    If you change these dimensions but later wish to restore the original dimensions, click the Restore default sizes button.

  5. Select a 'Default image format for maps' from the drop-down list ( 'png', 'bmp' or 'jpg').
  6. Click Apply to save your settings, or click OK to save your settings and close the dialog.